Important First Day Check-In Information
- For children who attend the Stellar Family VBS Blast Off and check-in, on June 11th (5:30 pm-7:30 pm), please drop your child off in the carline no earlier than 5:30 pm. In order to do this you must have the carline card that you received at the Family Kickoff event.
- For children who do not attend the Stellar Family VBS Blast Off, June 11 (5:30 pm-7:30 pm), please park at our main campus (at the intersection of Hwy 31 and 225) on June 12 (5:20 pm) and bring your child to the Fellowship Hall for check-in. You will receive t-shirts and carline cards at this time.
After Monday evening, all children should be dropped off following the carline (See Carline Tab for more details about carline). Please do not drop your child off before 5:30 pm as we will not have volunteers ready to receive them prior to then.
Pick-up will be done using the carline every day. Carline will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Please do not park and come inside to pick up your children. You will need to do so via the carline. You must have your carline card with the names of the children you will be picking up listed on the card.
VBS T-shirts will be given to all volunteers and participants who pre-register by May 15th.
T-shirts will be free for all participants and volunteers and will be available to be picked up at the Stellar Family VBS Blast Off and Check-in, on June 11th (5:30 pm-7:30 pm). Volunteers can pick their shirts up at the Mandatory Volunteer Meeting on June 11th (2 pm).