
Welcome to Monumental VBS: Family Edition! Here is some helpful info you may want to know for you and your child's VBS experience.

VBS is for children age 3 by June 9, 2022 through completing 5th grade. This year parents, you will get the chance to experience VBS like the kids do by going through all the VBS stations together with them as their crew leader. 

*all kids must have a parent or guardian present with them during the duration of VBS, June 9th – 11th.* If the parent who is registering your child is not going to be at VBS with them, please register the parent/guardian who will be joining your child at VBS. 

Do I need to register myself, if I am the parent who will be attending VBS with my kids? If the parent who is filling out the registration form is going to be the parent/guardian attending VBS with your children, you do not need to register yourself, just be sure to put your information in the parent information section and check the YES box as the one attending VBS with your kids. If you are not going to be there with your kids and a different parent/guardian will be there with your kids, check the NO box and please register the parent/guardian that will be there with your kids as a participant on the registration form and choose the grade entering, "adult."

Is there KidzCare for my children who are under 3? KidzCare is only available for parents who are volunteering at VBS. Your children under 3 are more than welcome to participate at VBS with you and your kids, just register them as a "nursery" aged student on your registration. 

Want to receive text notifications, updates, and the latest information about VBS text the word, "VBS" to 84576

VBS will be June 9th - 11th from 6:00 - 8:30 PM.

Our address is:

161 Embrey Mill Rd.

Stafford, VA 22554

When you arrive you will sign into the kiosks located in the lobby to get name tags for your kiddos and then together, your family will head into the Sanctuary for an exciting large group time with Michelle and the Professor. We will then send you off with your Adventure Guide to start you on your Monumental VBS journey together as a family!

Kids and parents should come dressed in play clothes and shoes they can run in.

We love teaching your children and coming alongside you to help them develop and grow in their faith! After we're done, there is a lot to clean up. If you can, please stay and help us clean up on Saturday night after our time together. We have a lot of decorations to take down and your help is greatly appreciated!

We will have t-shirt iron-ons for you and for your child's VBS t-shirt. We ask that you purchase a t-shirt (according to your group’s color) for you. You will wear your shirt on our last night together. The iron-on goes on the front of the shirt. We will send these home on Day 1. You will also know your group color on Day 1 as well. Or, if you prefer, you can go to groupvbs.com and order a white t-shirt with the iron-on already attached. Prices range from under $5.00 - $6.00, depending on their size. Order with some friends and save on shipping!

Want to be a part of our fun week? Sign up to volunteer today. We have many jobs you can consider doing. And, we offer free childcare for your younger children while you volunteer and you'll get a free custom-made t-shirt for volunteering!

We are also collecting supply donations for the many things we will need for this Monumental VBS event. Please take a look at the list and sign up to bring in an item or two! Thank you! Supply Donation List

Volunteers must attend one of our two orientations, May 25th or 26th at 7 PM in Room 101. Childcare provided.