• This year's Rocky Railway will be a Drive-In VBS at our "drive-in theater" in the back of the CCO Building - aka HIS Kids Christian School. Only one session remains open: T&TH (July 14&16) and space is limited. 
  • This will be a “Drive-In VBS” for the whole family! Grandparents are invited, too! We will have a stage—with sound system—set up in the back of the school building and will have cars park “socially distanced” apart.
  • Only one session remains open with limited space: Tuesday-Thursday (July 14&16)
  • If you want to bring bag chairs/folding chairs to sit outside the car, you may do that, but we are asking, at this time, for families to stay socially distanced from other families. We will see what our status is when the week of July 13 arrives.
  • Each night, every family will receive a supply pack with items needed to follow along!
  • Each family will receive a Rocky Railway VBS CD free!
  • Register either online or print the documents on this site and mail to Summit Church*181 Caldwell Dr.*Butler*PA*16002